Below is a PDF of the major purely nautical creatures from Monster Manual, Monster Manual II, and the Fiend Folio, with errata and good art scans, saves and XP values included, and following the original Monster Manual formatting as closely as possible (with the exception of a bit of statblock rearranging).
Subentries of a major creature receive abbreviated statblocks. Not included at all are creatures you have at least a reasonable chance of running into on land and so often appear in land-based adventures, like crocodiles, giant crabs, or giant leeches.
Full credit to Hawk for devising the clever underwater rules summary at the start, which I just ported into Word.
P.S. If anyone knows of any line art ever being made for either the Merrow or the Strangle Weed (the underwater version; I know there's art for the land version), in a module or Dragon/Dungeon/Polyhedron issue or whatever, please let me know the source.
Beetle, Water: Changed its secondary movement notation from flight to swimming.
Eel: Reversed the XP values of the Giant and Weed eels, as they were obviously mixed up in the Appendix.
Ixitxachitl: Added pronunciation and Demogorgon linkage from Monster Cards Set 2.
Lycanthrope, Seawolf: The seawolf entry is a bit of a mess, repeating a bunch of info as if two separate entries were glued together (seawolves originally appeared in a single form in Monster Cards Set 3, so this may very well be the case). I combined the two sets of info into a single overview entry, favouring specific info over general in all cases (e.g. regarding what causes this lycanthropy, “bites of non-fatal sort” was replaced with the note in the same entry stating that “Humans taking 50% or more damage” is what triggers the disease).
Merrow: Their swimming charge is “at 1 to hit”. I made this +1, treating it as yet another case of MMII’s issue with + symbols.
Naga, Water: Adjusted the XP of the 8-HD variant to match its actual hit dice.
Narwhal: Changed its name from the original spelling (narwhale).
Ray, Manta: There is only one DMG XP value, but four possible HD variants, and in any case the value given doesn’t follow the rules for any of the four (a common situation with the DMG’s “composite” singular XP values). I gave it a new set of values based on the assumption of one EAXPA (paralysis). While it has attacks that give it enough damage to technically apply another EAXPA, the tail attack is quite conditional and so I decided to ignore this special feature for XP purposes (as a lot of entries do in general).
Sahuagin: Light is stated to be hindering in the original MM entry but the precise details, though said to be later in the entry, were left out; their Monster Cards Set 1 entry adds the missing detail. Also added additional information on AC, Intelligence, and size from their DMG entry. As 2+2 HD standard examples are Medium but 3+3 HD guards are Large, and it says that certain unstated priestesses are Medium, I decided to make the weakest priestesses (3 HD) Medium in size. This is only an assumption; there is no reason that a wider range of priestesses couldn’t be Medium.
Naga, Water: Like the Manta Ray, replaced its singular composite XP value with three new values properly representing its HD range. Its art is one of the few low-res pieces, as an example can only be found in Bioware’s The Art of Neverwinter Nights and I’m not paying 100$ just for that.
Turtle, Giant, Sea: Assumed its original XP value (900+10/hp, a value for a 7-HD creature) was an error, considering its actual 15 HD and the fact that the very similar snapping turtle in the same entry is costed correctly.
Whale: Added information from the DMG appendix entry. Some of this information, while more specific than the very vague MM entry, also contradicts it in spots, and still requires some interpretation besides, including carnivorous whale bite damage and every XP entry.
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